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Association for Environmental & Outdoor education

AEOE strengthens environmental education in California by connecting providers, building professional expertise, and championing environmental literacy and outdoor learning.

Annual IMPACT Awards

Environmental Educator of the Year Award
The Environmental Educator of the Year Award is awarded to one representative from the northern and southern California area annually. This award is given to someone who embodies best practices in environmental education, has contributed to the success of environmental education in the state, and leads by example within the field. T
he awards are presented at a fall celebration. Past awardees can be viewed by clicking the link below. 

Click here to past Environmental Educator of the Year award winners!

Lifetime Achievement Howard Bell Award

The Lifetime Achievement Award – created in honor of Howard Bell, one of AEOE's founding members and an influential leader in the advancement of outdoor education in California – was established to recognize outstanding lifetime achievements and contributions in the area of environmental and outdoor education. Any member of AEOE may submit a nomination form to the Board of Directors for this annual award. Nominees do not necessarily have to be an AEOE member. Past honorees can be viewed by clicking the award links below. Nominations are kept on file for three years for future consideration. The award is presented at the annual spring conference and the awardee must be able to attend the conference (or send a representative in their place).

Click here to see past Lifetime Achievement award winners and nominate someone today!

Organization of the Year Award 

AEOE, in partnership with Ten Strands and the California Environmental Literacy Initiative (CAELI), is pleased to offer the Environmental Education Organization of the Year Award. This award, given annually, recognizes an outstanding organization that is advancing the impact of environmental and outdoor education in California in a meaningful way. These organizations offer innovative programs, follow research-based best practices, and promote equitable access to environmental learning. Please help us celebrate the organizations working to advance our field by sharing this opportunity and submitting a nomination. Any person can nominate an organization for this award and nominees do not need to be AEOE Organizational Members. Nominations are kept on file for one year for future consideration. Each award winner will be chosen by the AEOE Awards Committee (including a representative from Ten Strands) and recognized at the annual Statewide Conference.

Click here to read about past Organization of the Year award winners and nominate an organization today!

Awards Given to AEOE

In 2019 AEOE was named Outstanding Affiliate of the year by the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE). AEOE serves as California's affiliate of NAAEE.

AEOE has also achieved the following recognition:   


Mailing Address: 2930 Domingo Ave., Suite 3028Berkeley, CA 94705

AEOE is a 501(c)(3) non-profit 

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