Association for Environmental & Outdoor education |
AEOE strengthens environmental education in California by connecting providers, building professional expertise, and championing environmental literacy and outdoor learning.
Stipend Opportunity for Educators: Keep California Beautiful is offering a $150 stipend for up to 700 educators that incorporate a litter reduction activity into their education plans e.g., litter-related lesson, cleanup, or data collection. The Educator Incentive is available to formal and informal educators, including classroom teachers, youth leaders, scout troop leaders, after-school programs, clubs, or other organizations. A report is required separately from the mini-grant. Click here more information and to complete the incentive application.
National Park Service Challenge Cost Share Award (Deadline: January 10, 2025)
The Challenge Cost Share Program is a funding opportunity intended to build collaborations between the National Park Service and community project partners. For FY25, the program will provide a total of $361,000 in funding, which we anticipate will support approximately 20 projects. Each project funded must have a 1-to-1 match contribution from a non-federal source that can be financial and/or in-kind support. The Challenge Cost Share MUST be applied for by a National Park Service representative from an NPS-administered area along with a non-profit partner. If approved, the non-profit partner identified in the proposal will receive the funding for the project, will sign the award agreement, and be responsible for reporting. Click here to learn more.
After School Education and Safety Grant (Deadline: January 15, 2025)
The purpose of the After School Education and Safety Program is to create incentives for establishing locally-driven Expanded Learning programs, including after school programs that partner with public schools and communities to provide academic and literacy support, and safe, constructive alternatives for youth. Learn more here.
Redwood Grant (Deadline: February 7, 2025)
Redwood Student Starter Grants provide $5,000 for students to conduct a project related to redwood forests. To apply students must submit a project proposal by February 7 and work closely with a mentor from their academic institution. The Redwood Student Starter Grant Program offered by Save the Redwoods is open to all students who identify as Black, Indigenous, people of color, Latine/Latina/Latino, Asian, Pacific Island, or from any other communities who have been excluded from research and conservation spaces. The goal of this program is for student to be able to experience the grant process from start to finish in a supportive environment while learning and sharing about redwood ecosystems. A broad range of projects qualify for this grant including research in the field or lab, research in the office as in a literature review, or projects that provide additional support for existing redwood research projects. Projects can be from a range of disciplines (forestry, social science, environmental science, Indigenous studies, etc.) and the main project criteria is that they need to have a clear connection to coast redwoods or giant sequoias. Click here to learn more.
Kids to Parks Day School Grants Program (Deadline: February 7, 2025)
Applications are now being accepted from Title I schools for the 2025 Kids to Parks Day School Grants Program! Please note - nonprofit organizations are not eligible to apply for this grant, but may help schools with their application process. In honor of the 15th annual Kids to Parks Day, celebrated on May 17, 2025 – National Park Trust is pleased to offer our Kids to Parks Day School Grants Program. For 2025, the KTP School Grant will fund up to $1,000 per classroom for an in-park field trip. This program is designed to be student-driven, and student-teacher collaboration is necessary. All applications must include a stewardship element and a park-themed educational component that focuses on either outdoor recreation and healthy lifestyles, environmental education/science, or history. Click here to learn more.
Rooting Justice Grants (Priority deadlines: March 1 and August 15, 2025)
Justice Outside is excited to announce Rooting Justice, a new grant opportunity offering $50,000-$100,000 in funding for two-year urban forestry projects. This program, supported by the USDA Forest Service, aims to advance racial justice and equity in environmental initiatives. Priority is given to organizations that: Work in disadvantaged communities (must be verified via EPA's Environmental Justice Screening Tool); have annual budgets under $1 million; haven't previously received IRA funding; are led by/serve Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. Click here to learn more.
Other grants to track that are available statewide:
Please contact if you are aware of additional funding opportunities to share with our community.