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Association for Environmental & Outdoor education

AEOE strengthens environmental education in California by connecting providers, building professional expertise, and championing environmental literacy and outdoor learning.


Committee Service

If you are interested in working with a great organization (that's us!), want to expand your professional chops, and make an impact across the state, consider joining one of AEOE's working committees! Committee service can be a great way to deepen your connections with other leaders while helping to expand our reach and capacity. If you are interested in volunteering with AEOE, please reach out to Ryan at or Estrella Risinger at directly if you have skills and interests to contribute one of these areas:

Conferences & Awards – Conferences: Develop conference themes/strands, support outreach efforts, and assist with planning. Awards: Help develop the various award timelines, review and potentially revise award review processes, and serve on award review panels. 

Equity & Inclusion – Develop and implement practices and policies in support of our commitment to equity and inclusion in AEOE's programs, outreach efforts, leadership, and organizational culture 

Communications – Explore membership benefits and develop outreach strategy 

Professional Development/Program Leaders – Solicit stand-alone workshop presenters and plan events for program leaders

Other Volunteering Opportunities

Want to volunteer for a short-term project or within a limited time-frame? We are always looking for talented social media content creators and conference volunteers. Contact Estrella ( if you are interested in supporting our social media efforts by developing or sourcing content to share through our various platforms or if you would like to support our conference team by volunteering either in preparation for or during one of our conferences. 


Mailing Address: 2930 Domingo Ave., Suite 3028Berkeley, CA 94705

AEOE is a 501(c)(3) non-profit 

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