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Association for Environmental & Outdoor education

AEOE strengthens environmental education in California by connecting providers, building professional expertise, and championing environmental literacy and outdoor learning.

Support us

AEOE is the professional association for environmental and outdoor educators in California. Your support strengthens our network odedicated individuals and organizations across the state that are committed to using environmental and outdoor education as a tool to create lasting environmental change. AEOE is able to increase its impact through the financial support of foundations, partner organizations, businesses, and individuals. We appreciate your support!

Sponsors help to keep conference costs low for frontline educators, and allow us to bring in professionals to enrich the educational content of our conferences. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor of our 2025 statewide conference and bringing awareness of your brand to our community, check out these sponsorship opportunities and contact AEOE Executive Director

Donate In-Kind Goods & Services You can support us with gifts in kind! Your company’s services or products can help us operate more effectively in order to meet our mission by offsetting operating costs or helping us to raise revenue and increase awareness of your brand through live and silent auctions. Please email AEOE's Executive Director at if you have items or services to donate.

Volunteer! Your time is of great value and we rely on the generosity of volunteers to achieve our mission. Volunteers support our regional and statewide conferences, offer their expertise through trainings and workshops, and enhance our social media presence. If you are interested in volunteering, contact


* NEW* Become a Sports Basement Basementeer! 

Support AEOE by becoming a Basementeer! Sports Basement is spinning the traditional “loyalty” program into a win-win for their loyal customers and our AEOE community. Basementeer’s receive 10% and give 10%! Watch this one minute video to get the idea.

On your next visit to Sports Basement, register as a Basementeer and select Association for Environmental and Outdoor Education (AEOE) as your beneficiary! If you are already a Basementeer, click here to update your account and designate Association for Environmental and Outdoor Education as your beneficiary. 

Farm Fresh to You

Sign up for deliveries from Farm Fresh to You and receive fresh, organic produce conveniently delivered right to your home or office while earning 10% for the Association for Environmental & Outdoor Education. Click here for more information

Outdoor Learning School & Store

Purchase teaching and learning materials and give back to AEOE! AEOE is partnering with the Outdoor Learning Store, a charitable social enterprise with 100% of proceeds going back to outdoor learning non-profit initiatives. A portion of every dollar spent on courses and supplies from residents of California will go towards supporting AEOE's mission. From microscopes to sit pads, picture books, there's something for everyone. Discounts and professional development offered to bulk purchases from schools and districts. No code needed to participate - just start shopping!

Ralphs Community Rewards Program

Do you shop at Ralphs Grocery Store? Want a portion of your purchases to go to a good cause? AEOE is a member of the Ralphs Community Rewards Program. To ensure that a portion of your proceeds goes directly to supporting our mission, visit Once logged into your Ralphs account you can search for ASSOCIATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL & OUTDOOR EDUCATION either by name or MP502 and then click Enroll. New users will need to create an account which requires some basic information, a valid email address, and a rewards card.

AEOE Merchandise Show your love for AEOE by purchasing a hat, shirt, or mug at the AEOE Store! In addition to helping to raise awareness about our organization, a portion of the proceeds supports our mission. 

Donors support the organization to continue to grow and take on leadership roles in the field. You can make a secure donation below or mail a check to: 

2930 Domingo Ave, Suite 3028
Berkeley, CA 94705

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* Mandatory fields
*First name
*Last name
Organization (if applicable)
*Amount ($USD)
Payment frequency


Mailing Address: 2930 Domingo Ave., Suite 3028Berkeley, CA 94705

AEOE is a 501(c)(3) non-profit 

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