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Association for Environmental & Outdoor education

AEOE strengthens environmental education in California by connecting providers, building professional expertise, and championing environmental literacy and outdoor learning.


Share your skills, strategies, and techniques and help us to strengthen our community and expand our impact at the statewide conference for environmental and outdoor education!

Conference Theme: Roots and Branches: Strengthening Community and Expanding Impact

Conference Strands: Workshops should align with one* of the strands below. However, if you have a workshop that isn't a good fit but you think it would bring strong value to our community, we encourage you to submit an application and select the strand that it's most closely aligned to.

Nurturing Roots for a strong foundation

This could include workshops addressing the following topics:

      • supporting mental health of students and staff 
      • fostering equitable practices and creating inclusive learning environments
      • incorporating a trauma-informed approach
      • centering Indigenous knowledge
      • establishing a sense of place

Branching Out to expand reach

This could include workshops addressing the following topics:

      • developing innovative partnerships
      • promoting outreach strategies
      • supporting audiences beyond K-12 (pre-K, adults, multi-generational, etc.)

Weathering Storms to build resilience

This could include workshops addressing the following topics:

      • promoting strategies to address climate change
      • developing long-term organizational sustainability 
      • adapting to an evolving political landscape

Fostering Growth to promote leadership development

This could include workshops addressing the following topics:

      • nurturing budding leaders
      • supporting mentorship
      • developing pathways for career advancement
      • strengthening management skills

          * Note that equity and inclusion are expected to be incorporated into every workshop

          Workshop slots are 60 minutes and the majority take place outside (on a trail, at picnic tables, or in an outdoor amphitheater). Workshops are intended to increase the knowledge and skills of our conference participants. Please don't use this as an opportunity to market your program or promote your materials. If you are interested in the latter, please contact our Executive Director at to discuss sponsoring/tabling at the event.

          CLICK HERE TO APPLY TO BE A WORKSHOP PRESENTER (deadline: February 1, 2025)

          If you would like to see the workshop proposal questions ahead of time, or are planning to collaborate with someone else, you can access the questions here

          Acceptance and notification: Workshops will be reviewed after the deadline and you will be notified by mid-February. If your workshop is accepted, you must register by the early-bird deadline of March 1, 2025 to secure a spot in the program. Workshop presenters receive a discounted registration rate, which can be accessed using the code emailed to you upon your acceptance notification. Please check your spam folder if you don't hear from us by mid-February. 


          Mailing Address: 2930 Domingo Ave., Suite 3028Berkeley, CA 94705

          AEOE is a 501(c)(3) non-profit 

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