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Association for Environmental & Outdoor education

AEOE strengthens environmental education in California by connecting providers, building professional expertise, and championing environmental literacy and outdoor learning.

program Leader RESOURCEs

Online Resources

Social & Emotional Toolkit for Residential Environmental Learning Centers

This toolkit offers strategies for adopting a more intentional approach to incorporating Social & Emotional Learning (SEL) within RELC program settings, with applications for program improvement across the environmental education field at large. Designed for program leaders, the toolkit includes assessments, hiring tips, training guides, and materials for use in the field. 


Resources for outdoor science programs: Our professional learning resources are designed for program leaders to use with field instructors. They provide experiences and rationale about outdoor science instruction designed to inspire instructors to improve their teaching. Our student activities inspire students’ wonder and curiosity about the natural world, support their innate tendencies for exploration and guide them to make explanations based on evidence.

Tracking Diversity

The Green 2.0 Guide to Best Practices in Demographic Data Collection. Please consider adopting the recommendations in this trusted resource when collected participant, staff, and/or board demographics. 

Toolkit to Mitigate Bias in Recruitment & Hiring

Developed by the Avarna Group, a trusted leader in equity and inclusion in the environmental and outdoor sector, this toolkit includes a list of some of the most current and salient ideas for ensuring your hiring practices are as equitable and inclusive as possible. This toolkit takes you through the entire hiring process, giving suggestions for each step.

Program Leaders Group

(Formerly known as Environmental & Outdoor School Managers, EOSM)

This group is open to all outdoor school and environmental education organization directors and managers, or any individual that is responsible for day-to-day management, with responsibilities like supervision, hiring, coaching, and program development. We strive to make this group inclusive for all professional leaders who wish to join. 

This group is about collaboration, networking, and building upon our shared knowledge. Meetings are held two to three times annually throughout the state over Zoom as well as in person, when possible, including our annual retreat in the winter. Check out our current list of events to see when we're meeting next! Discussion topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • health care
  • food service and dietary needs
  • educational policy and reform
  • staff hiring, training, and retention

Want to join this network or get more information? Please contact us at


Mailing Address: 2930 Domingo Ave., Suite 3028Berkeley, CA 94705

AEOE is a 501(c)(3) non-profit 

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