Association for Environmental & Outdoor education |
AEOE strengthens environmental education in California by connecting providers, building professional expertise, and championing environmental literacy and outdoor learning.
Environmental educators of the yearEach year, AEOE selects two Environmental Educators of the Year – one in northern California and one in southern California – for their outstanding contributions to the field of environmental and outdoor education. Educators are nominated by their peers and are selected by AEOE's awards committee. Nominees must be currently practicing educators who teach in and/or about the environment in some way – whether it be in a residential outdoor school program, a traditional classroom, community outreach program, or another program setting – and who are making an impact in the realm of environmental and outdoor education. The awards are presented in the fall. If you would like to preview the nomination form questions, click here. 2024 Environmental Educator of the Year Award Winners
2024 Northern EE'er of the Year – Monique Streit Monique Streit has made a profound impact on the field of environmental education through her leadership as Education Director at the South Yuba River Citizens League (SYRCL). Monique revitalized the organization’s environmental education programs, rebuilt relationships with schools, and secured critical funding during the COVID-19 pandemic. Her efforts have expanded program reach by 65% since 2019, engaging over 6,400 students, teachers, and community members in 2024 alone. Under her leadership, SYRCL’s Salmon Expeditions rafting field trips grew by 73%, now serving all fourth graders in Yuba County and beyond. Monique reimagined the program to align with Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), integrated pre- and post-field trip lessons, and removed barriers to access through grants, gear loaner programs, and partnerships with Title I schools. Her collaboration with the Nisenan Tribe has ensured a culturally relevant curriculum that honors Indigenous language, history, and stewardship of the land. Monique also developed a water quality testing program for high school students and professionalized the Wild & Scenic Film Festival School Programs, creating inclusive film experiences paired with classroom resources. As co-chair of SYRCL’s Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion committee, she led the organization’s first staff and board wide training to advance equity across SYRCL’s initiatives. In addition to her work with SYRCL, Monique serves as the Co-Lead of the Community-Based Partner Innovation Hub of the California Environmental Literacy Initiative. Monique’s dedication to equity, innovation, and transformative education inspires students and educators alike, fostering the next generation of environmental stewards. We are honored to recognize Monique as the 2024 Northern CA Environmental Educator of the Year.
2024 Southern EE'er of the Year – Helen Morales Helen Morales has dedicated over a decade to transforming outdoor education at Woodcraft Rangers and beyond. Joining Woodcraft Rangers in 2009 as a Club Leader, Helen now serves as the Director of Camp Woodcraft and Outdoor Education, leading a dynamic team of year-round outdoor educators in delivering high-quality programs that serve hundreds of youth across Los Angeles annually. Helen continues to break barriers while championing inclusivity and innovation in outdoor education and youth programming. Helen’s work is grounded in her commitment to equity and inclusion. She ensures Woodcraft programs embrace participants from diverse cultural, racial, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Through intentional hiring practices, Helen prioritizes staff from the communities served, offering youth role models who reflect their own experiences. Under her guidance, staff receive extensive training in trauma-informed, culturally responsive, and healing-centered approaches to create safe and supportive environments for all. As a champion of accessibility, Helen has spearheaded initiatives supporting neurodiverse youth, including partnerships with the Department of Developmental Services and local Regional Centers. These efforts include on-site support, staff training, and family camps, making Camp Woodcraft a leader in inclusive outdoor education. Helen also empowers young people to become environmental stewards through programs like EcoWarriors, which engages students in environmental action and civic leadership, and Camp Woodcraft’s Counselor-in-Training (CIT) program, which prepares youth for careers in outdoor education. Her collaboration with Indigenous communities incorporates culturally relevant practices into programming, enriching participants’ understanding of the natural and cultural importance of the land. Beyond Woodcraft Rangers, Helen serves on the board of the Association for Environmental and Outdoor Education (AEOE), on the Volunteer Engagement Committee and DEI Trainer for the American Camp Association (ACA). Her leadership has elevated the field, advancing inclusivity, accessibility, and impact in outdoor education. We are honored to recognize Helen as the 2024 Southern CA Environmental Educator of the Year. 2023 Environmental Educator of the Year Award Winners Click here to access an interview we conducted with the awardees and what brought them to this work, what has sustained them, and what gives them hope for our future. 2023 Southern EE'er of the Year – Jenna Cobb
Within her first six months as Youth Leadership Series Program Manager at Community Nature Connection, Jenna restarted Emerging Naturalists, a long-term program for youth ages 12-17 to develop naturalist skills and gain exposure to outdoor careers while taking environmental action within their community. Based in Los Angeles, this program focuses on urban ecology and the nature within students’ local communities, highlighting that nature is not only in faraway places like the mountains or beach. The 11 participants of the first cohort reported a greater sense of belonging and comfort in the outdoors after many of them camped for the first time through the program. She shared this model with other local organizations looking to incorporate more civic action and environmental action projects into their youth programming. Previously as Program Educator at Chino Basin Water Conservation District, she designed, coordinated, implemented, and trained others to teach place-based and NGSS-aligned environmental education programming through field trip programming, classroom visits, field investigations, and a middle and high school volunteer cohort. During her time there, she worked with over 45,000 students at the District’s waterwise demonstration garden, the students’ schoolyards, and local creeks and concrete channels. One highlight of her work has been the development of the Groundwater Guardians: Youth Volunteer Cohort for 7th-12th graders, which she piloted through NAAEE’s CEE-Change Fellowship. Her work included adapting the Earth Force civic engagement curriculum (which was designed for teachers) for an informal education setting and sharing best practices with other environmental educators. She presented this project at the 2022 NAAEE Conference in Tucson. Since then, she has continued to engage in this work by bringing the Community Action Projects for the Environment process to Community Nature Connection, contributing to NAAEE’s and the Kettering Foundation’s 2022 EE and Civic Engagement Discussion, and serving as an Alumni Advisor for the 2023-24 CEE-Change Fellowship. Another aspect of Jenna’s contributions to environmental and outdoor education is her work to connect spirituality and environmental education. She is one of the founders and co-moderators of the Spirituality & EE NAAEE eePRO group, and she co-facilitated a roundtable on Spirituality & EE at the 2021 NAAEE Conference. As a BIPOC Faithful Climate Action Fellow with Creation Justice Ministries, she developed a climate change lesson that could be used for faith communities’ youth groups with students ranging from 6th-12th grade, which is available on eePRO. Jenna has also contributed to environmental and outdoor education as a volunteer and board member of Pomona Hope: a faith-based after school program that envisions a transformed community through empowering students to seek that transformation for themselves. Her work has focused on building relationships with the community and testing the potential for EE in an organization outside of the environmental field. She introduced some EE best practices to Pomona Hope by developing and teaching a four-week summer science workshop “Nature in Pomona” to over 50 students, as well as leading a team of 5th-8th grade students in addressing waste-related challenges in the community. Jenna incorporates environmental education into all aspects of her life, and she has worked hard to increase inclusion in the field. She believes in the power that environmental education can have for change, both individually and systemically. We are honored to recognize Jenna as the 2023 Southern CA Environmental Educator of the Year. Read more about her here. 2023 Northern EE'er of the Year – Deepak 'Deeps' Dathatri
Deeps has advocated for opportunities and recognition for others. For example, Deeps encouraged one of his Yosemite Institute students to apply for the Armstrong Scholars program, recognizing her potential leadership skills and love for adventures in wild spaces. He also wrote her a letter of recommendation for her application. She was selected to be an Armstrong Scholar that year, and later said that Deeps and her experience as an Armstrong Scholar inspired her to pursue a career in outdoor education, in part so that she could co-lead the Armstrong Scholars program herself one day. She did just that this summer! Deeps also nominated one of his students, Selma Ruiz, as a NatureBridge Student of the Year, an award that she was chosen for not once, but twice. These examples are two of Deeps’ proudest contributions. While earning his Masters of Education in Outdoor Education and Adventure Programs in New Zealand, Deeps helped primary students create a habitat corridor for native birds throughout Wellington, linking protected areas on opposite sides of the city. He did so by supporting students in biodiversity studies, planting native habitat on their school grounds, and monitoring efforts. He helped a generation of students recognize they have the power to influence the world in positive ways. Deeps started his work in the field of outdoor and environmental education as a seasonal naturalist at the Long Island Nature Center. In 2003 he garnered a full-time position as a naturalist at Loredo Taft in Illinois. These foundational experiences helped land him a position with Yosemite Institute where he worked as a Field Instructor from 2004-2007 and again from 2011-2016 (then NatureBridge). After working for a year with City Year, he returned to NatureBridge, but this time as a Mentor Teacher at the Golden Gate campus from 2017 until 2022. Deeps started working full-time as the Outdoor Science Programs Director for Camp Campbell this year, and is excited to be back in this field again, sharing his insight and the goodness of outdoor education with students and the naturalist staff alike. Deeps served as a coach and co-teacher for participants in the NatureBridge Educator Development Program (EDP) while in Yosemite. When a mentor teacher at the Golden Gate campus, he provided administrative support to the EDP participants and their coaches when on site. When EDP graduates moved into full time positions with NatureBridge, Deeps remained a dependable ally and helpful colleague for them. Deeps is a life-long learner who has proven his commitment to personal growth and outdoor and environmental education. He has helped thousands of young people connect with the natural world and each other, motivating them with his genuine appreciation for nature, contagious enthusiasm, and sincere investment in their wellbeing and personal growth. We are honored to recognize Deeps as the 2023 Northern CA Environmental Educator of the Year. Read more about him here.2022 Environmental Educator of the Year Award Winners 2022 Southern EE'er of the Year – Jules Jackson
2022 Northern EE'er of the Year – Charity Maybury Charity was hired as one of the first employees of the Crissy Field Center in San Francisco when it opened in 2001, eventually becoming the Deputy Director and now Director. The Crissy Field Center at Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy is the only youth campus of its kind in a national park, providing intensive youth development for populations underrepresented in national parks and the outdoors. Intentional recruitment focuses on historically marginalized populations with a goal of 75% being from BIPOC and/or low-income families. Charity spearheads all curriculum and activities, and designed and developed many of the outstanding EE programs you find at Crissy Field Center, including the longest running school-partnership program: Now in its 21st year, Project WISE engages students from Advanced Placement (AP) Environmental Science classes at Galileo Academy of Science and Technology and Mission High School, both public high schools in San Francisco. In this year-long, place-based, student-centered program, participants not only learn environmental science concepts but also get a chance to utilize scientific practice to better understand their parks and communities. Much of the learning during Project WISE is done outside, as classroom concepts are applied to sites in the national park and San Francisco communities. Water quality lessons are reinforced by an intensive study of Lobos Creek in the Presidio and the Crissy Field Marsh is used as a case study of wetlands. Air quality is investigated by comparing pollution levels in different communities across San Francisco. During the spring semester, Project WISE students conduct their own scientific explorations and present their findings at an annual symposium to peers, park officials, school district administrators, and members of the community. Project WISE helps students in their future academic and career paths by developing skills such as public speaking, critical thinking, conducting scientific investigations, and producing digital media. Project WISE curriculum explores environmental justice, how poor communities and communities of color have higher exposure to environmental health risk factors like pollution, and less access to the benefits provided by the environment such as clean air and open space. Recently, Charity supported the launch of the 14-acre Presidio Tunnel Tops site – including the upgraded Crissy Field Center, the new hands-on indoor Field Station, and the new two-acre Outpost for nature play – as well as creating new curriculum during the pandemic. Charity has also been critical to the leadership of Crissy Field Center and developing young, environmental educators of color during her tenure at the Parks Conservancy. Charity has led and inspired the entire Crissy Field Center team to contribute, grow, and lead and AEOE is proud to celebrate her contributions to the field as our northern California Environmental Educator of the Year. 2021 Environmental Educator of the Year Award Winners Note from AEOE's Awards Committee: Typically we only award one educator from each region (northern and southern California). However, this year two educators based in northern California stood out to the committee so we decided to make an exception. Both Sarah and Kenja impressed us with their passion, dedication, and commitment to environmental change. Please join us in celebrating all three of our 2021 Environmental Educators of the Year! 2021 Southern EE'er of the Year – Sama Wareh
Sama has a strong passion for the outdoors and the environment and her vision of sharing it with the community in a way that channels a deep and meaningful connection is what sparked the Art and Wilderness Institute. Her philosophy on instilling Magic into the experience is at the heart of all classes taught at AWI. Along with Syma and Khadeeja, Sama is a co-founder of the Art and Wilderness Institute. You can read more of her bio here. Sama is a naturalist and educator who teaches with love and enthusiasm. She is a strong advocate for the natural world and lives her life according to her values. She has created a love for nature in her Southern California community and has developed a school dedicated to teaching children about their environment and how to be good, contributing citizens and leaders. Learn more about what brought her to this work and what has sustained her in this blog post. 2021 Northern EE'ers of the Year – Sarah Angulo and Kenja Griffin
Since entering the field in 2014, Sarah's strong sense of work ethic has led her to make contributions both great and small. Each workplace she enters, she improves for the betterment of both the organization and the people they serve. On a smaller scale, these include improving workflow and business processes, creating and adding teaching materials, and adding contagious enthusiastic energy to the workplace. On a larger scale, her love of learning challenges others to think differently. This has led to the consideration and in many cases elimination of barriers to access of programming, such as creating more physically accessible field trips and presentation materials, and changing the culture of knowledge-sharing. A greater emphasis on traditional ecological knowledge and social emotional learning is present in program courses because of her efforts. Kenja is a living legend among the Outward Bound national network. Serving as a Marine before finding Outward Bound, Kenja has modeled service and compassion for more than twenty-five years across at least a dozen OB basecamps and wearing many hats of Instructor, Course Director, and Trainer. In 2017, Kenja was presented with the Josh Miner award, the highest honor that a staff member can receive across Outward Bound. The Josh Miner award honors a current employee at Outward Bound who exemplifies the qualities and character of our Founding Trustee, and whose commitment and contributions to Outward Bound have improved the lives of students and staff, and/or enhanced Outward Bound’s ability to fulfill its mission. During COVID Kenja spent his time in North Carolina tending to his family’s property the same way he has tended and grown so many rising educators. Seeming to never tire or wane, it is not unusual for Kenja to run a marathon on a whim simply because he wanted to join in the fun with others. Kenja has imparted wisdom to thousands of students and mentored hundreds of instructors. He embodies the spirit of adventure and has played a profound role in changing the lives of those he meets. Some words from those who know him best: “What continues to inspire me and catch me off guard, is how consistently his humble nature and essence infiltrates everything he does, regardless of whether or not he is working or being around like-minded people. I’ve been amazed to see how tirelessly he lives what he teaches…The same way that Kenja never misses a regular call home to his mom and dad, is the same way he selflessly continues to offer his heart, time and energy to making the world a better place. Kenja doesn’t get lost in the details; he just keeps doing what he can, nearly always with an infectious laugh or smile.” “Kenja is a touchstone in Outward Bound. He’s a rock. And a rock star. I am constantly encouraged by his stamina in this work and organization. He’s a bright light and wise sounding board. He’s seen more than most of us ever will. And through it all, he’ll just look at you, grin and nod his head knowingly, and then laugh.” Luckily for the world, Outward Bound and for the outdoor education industry at large, this juggernaut of a human pours this passion and energy into the people he meets. He is an incredible example of the power of the human spirit and what it can bring to the people’s lives he touches. 2020 Environmental Educator of the Year Award Winners2020 Northern EE'er of the Year – Rebekah Jones Rebekah is a Senior Teacher Naturalist and Curriculum Coordinator at Westminster Woods. She was nominated by multiple colleagues, who highlighted her incredible commitment to her role as an educator. Rebekah’s colleagues describe her as an integral and beloved member of the Westminster Woods community, who has made countless improvements to the program including thoughtful evening program design, the first GIS map of campus, and homemade banana slug and albatross costumes. Rebekah’s contributions to her own program have helped to deepen each student’s appreciation for nature and science literacy. This year, Rebekah’s impact spread much farther than her own program. When the pandemic made it impossible for students to travel to outdoor schools, Rebekah spearheaded a project to design an online curriculum, complete with a set of free activities and resources that any teacher or student can access. Rebekah worked with her team to create videos, worksheets, and even an entire lesson plan for remote classroom teachers. These resources have helped students all across the country engage in nature exploration this school year, and have helped classroom teachers who have had to create brand new materials for virtual classrooms. The online curriculum has become a blueprint for others to create their own online experiential education resources, and was highlighted by the BEETLES program as an example of successfully facilitating outdoor science and environmental education through a computer screen. Because of Rebekah’s vision, dedication, and hard work, students throughout California and beyond have had access to thoughtfully designed outdoor education during a time when they need it most. She exemplifies what it means to make a positive impact on our field, and AEOE is so happy to recognize her accomplishments by naming her our 2020 Northern California Environmental Educator of the Year. 2020 Southern EE'er of the Year – Jeni Barajas
Jeni has volunteered at Girl Scouts as a facilitator and trainer for over 7 years, empowering young girls to have the courage to ‘make this world a better place’. She is currently the Environmental Education Specialist at Olivewood Gardens, where she uses outdoor hands-on learning experiences and organic gardening to teach environmental education to her students. Jeni also leads Olivewood Gardens’ two high school internship programs, the Sustainable Urban Agriculture Internship in the fall and the Garden to Kitchen Internship in the spring. Both programs include a job readiness component and are designed to benefit students from National City, CA. Classes did not stop during COVID due in part to Jeni’s desire to continue serving the students during a global pandemic. Jeni found creative and age-friendly ways to keep the high schoolers engaged and provide fun, educational ways to continue their journey with Olivewood Gardens. Additionally, Jeni has not skipped a beat when it comes to growing and producing food for the community during this pandemic! As a matter of fact, Jeni and the garden team have worked more consistently in providing fresh, organic produce every week for up to 60 families during this time. Jeni spearheads this effort along with the garden team as families in National City continue to come week after week to take advantage of this donation-based produce. Her work doesn't stop there, she also teaches citizen science to elementary school age children through monthly Garden Explorers classes, an outdoor, educational adventure where students engage with nature through science. During this difficult year, Jeni’s enthusiastic attitude and her dedication to teaching, engaging, and inspiring youth have made a real, positive impact on her community. AEOE is proud to recognize Jeni’s work and her positive impact on our field by naming her our 2020 Southern California Environmental Educator of the Year. 2019 Environmental Educator of the Year Award Winners2019 Northern EE'er of the Year - Michael "Rhododendron" Shanahan
During the 2013-2014 year as a brand new naturalist at SJOE, Michael went above and beyond, building a cob oven in the program’s garden. At Summer Camp at YMCA Camp Jones Gulch, Michael is an Assistant Camp Director who firmly believes that no job is below his pay grade – he will do whatever it takes to support the campers, whether teaching them how to sew, leading an outdoor cooking specialty (in the cob oven he built), or driving campers and staff on the bus (which he calls the Mike Express!) When challenges arise, his positivity keeps camper and staff spirits high. Michael has spearheaded many projects at Shady Creek that have improved the school. He has partnered with a local Boy Scout troop and helped two young men earn their Eagle Scout rank by coordinating the construction of a Cobb oven for the Shady Creek Garden, and coordinating the planting and care of a fruit tree orchard. And finally, Michael has contributed many ideas and procedures for improving safety at Shady Creek and making the response to emergencies more formalized and effective. In Rhody’s words, "It is a great honor for me to receive this award. Also I want to send an appreciation to my family and all in the AEOE community who: Rhody, we thank you for your contributions to the Environmental and Outdoor Education community!
2019 Southern EE'er of the Year - Katie Miller Andersen Katie was nominated for her tremendous contribution to the lives of young people in her long career in outdoor education. Katie was nominated multiple times by coworkers and supervisors at Cuyamaca Outdoor School, where she has worked for 16 years. Katie started as a Girl Scout counselor, received her teaching credential, taught in the classroom for a year then was selected as an Outdoor Education Specialist for Cuyamaca in 2003 where she has served ever since. When Katie is not at work, she volunteers for the Girl Scouts, the California School Employees Association, and AEOE. She has been a dedicated AEOE volunteer since 2012 and our Board Secretary from 2014 - 2020. During her time at Cuyamaca, Katie has made many valuable contributions towards improving the program. She has volunteered for countless projects and committees, applying her skills in lesson planning, curriculum development, writing complex schedules, and more. Her colleagues tell us that Katie’s number one goal as a professional is to protect the environment by educating young people about their role in the environment and also providing them tremendous agency as changemakers and citizen scientists. She brings a love and respect for science and nature to every student she teaches and her enthusiasm for citizen science and its promise to save the environment is both admirable and contagious. Katie, we thank you for your contributions to the Environmental and Outdoor Education community! Past EE'ers of the Year