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Association for Environmental & Outdoor education

AEOE strengthens environmental education in California by connecting providers, building professional expertise, and championing environmental literacy and outdoor learning.


AEOE offers several opportunities for environmental education professionals from around the state to connect in person to engage in professional development, share resources, expand your network. We hope to see you at a future event!


The Statewide Conference for Environmental and Outdoor Education offers opportunities for networking, professional development, and connection. Held in the spring, the conference runs Friday through Sunday and include 40+ workshops, a keynote speaker, award ceremonies, entertainment, and more. Lodging and meals are offered onsite and both camping and dorm or cabin accommodations are available. Rotating through sites around California, the annual statewide conference draws ~300 participants for a weekend of learning and fun. 

Our 2025 Statewide Conference is planned for May 2-4, 2025 at Walker Creek Ranch in Marin County, north of San Francisco. The call for workshop applications is open now - check the conference page for more details. 

Click through the images below to get a taste of the statewide conference. We hope to see you next year!

Past Statewide Conferences

 Year  Site  Theme
 2024 Irvine Ranch Outdoor Education Center Reinvigorate
 2023 YMCA Camp Jones Gulch Educating for Change
 2022 SCICON Outdoor School CommunityEE
 2021 Virtual conference due to COVID n/a
 2020  Virtual (conference planned at SCICON postponed due to COVID-19)  n/a
 2019  Westminster Woods  Teaching Outside the Box
 2018  Camp Hess Kramer  Creating a Culture of Science
 2017  YMCA Camp Jones Gulch  The Next Generation
 2016  Camp Hess Kramer  Connecting the Dots
 2015  Walker Creek Ranch n/a
 2014  SCICON  The Road Less Traveled
 2013  Sierra Outdoor School
 A Climate of Change
 2012  Camp Hess Kramer  Little Blue Marble

If your site would like to host an upcoming conference or volunteer to plan a future conference, please reach out to AEOE's Executive Director, Estrella Risinger,


In 2021, AEOE launched fall regional meet-ups as a way for our communities across the state to come together for networking and learning. The meet-ups served as alternatives to a weekend-long conference when overnight experiences with groups of people weren't the safest option. They allowed us to offer in-person convenings in sites across the state, drawing together educators from a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences and in a range of settings (nature centers, school yards, outdoor science schools, etc.). We enjoyed the new format so much, we decided to continue them!

Thanks to our sites, partners, sponsors, and everyone who joined us for the 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 Fall Regional Meet-ups!

If you would like to host a regional meet-up in the fall of 2025, please reach out AEOE's Executive Director, Estrella Risinger,


AEOE convenes program leaders (managers, coordinators, and directors of EE providers) from around the state for a weekend of learning, connection, and fun. Combining both focused professional development and open space sessions, the weekend retreat is a time to connect with others in similar roles, gain help from your peers, and strengthen your program while relaxing on the grounds at Camp Ocean Pines on the beautiful California Coast. 

The 2025 Program Leader Retreat will be held over the weekend of January 31st – February 2nd, 2025. Registration options include Saturday night only, the full weekend, or an option to secure your own lodging if you prefer to stay offsite


Mailing Address: 2930 Domingo Ave., Suite 3028Berkeley, CA 94705

AEOE is a 501(c)(3) non-profit 

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