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Association for Environmental & Outdoor education

AEOE strengthens environmental education in California by connecting providers, building professional expertise, and championing environmental literacy and outdoor learning.

Walker Creek Ranch

Walker Creek Ranch is home to the Marin County Outdoor School and Conference Center. Owned and operated by the Marin County Office of Education we are located fifteen miles west of Petaluma. Our 1700 acre site includes forest, chaparral, grassland, and riparian ecosystems. These natural areas serve as an ideal setting for our residential outdoor education program, and for conference, wedding and retreat groups. Our site also hosts 20 miles of hiking trails, a four acre pond, an organic garden, and a low-ropes challenge course.During a week of Outdoor Education, students learn about the natural world through hands-on experience and exploration of our diverse property. Our curriculum is aligned with Next Generation Science Standards, and tailored to serve public and private elementary schools throughout Northern California. Our program is designed to encourage a deeper connection to nature and inspire stewardship of our earth. Each year over 5,000 students join us for a week of discovery, learning and community building while experiencing the magic of nature.


Member profile details

Membership level
Organizational Member - Small
Organization (if applicable)
Walker Creek Ranch / Marin Co. OS
1700 Marshall Petaluma Rd
Petaluma, CA 94952
Northern CA
Organization Name
Walker Creek Ranch
Organization Website
Organization Logo
Organization Description
Walker Creek Ranch is home to the Marin County Outdoor School and Conference Center. Owned and operated by the Marin County Office of Education we are located fifteen miles west of Petaluma. Our 1700 acre site includes forest, chaparral, grassland, and riparian ecosystems. These natural areas serve as an ideal setting for our residential outdoor education program, and for conference, wedding and retreat groups. Our site also hosts 20 miles of hiking trails, a four acre pond, an organic garden, and a low-ropes challenge course.

During a week of Outdoor Education, students learn about the natural world through hands-on experience and exploration of our diverse property. Our curriculum is aligned with Next Generation Science Standards, and tailored to serve public and private elementary schools throughout Northern California. Our program is designed to encourage a deeper connection to nature and inspire stewardship of our earth. Each year over 5,000 students join us for a week of discovery, learning and community building while experiencing the magic of nature.


Mailing Address: 2930 Domingo Ave., Suite 3028Berkeley, CA 94705

AEOE is a 501(c)(3) non-profit 

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