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Association for Environmental & Outdoor education

AEOE strengthens environmental education in California by connecting providers, building professional expertise, and championing environmental literacy and outdoor learning.

Green Meadows - Jack L. Boyd Outdoor School

Camp Green Meadows Outdoor School is operated through the Merced County Office of Education and runs 4 and 5 day residential programs for 6th grade students. During the week, students stay in cabins on site and spend their days out on trails in the Sierra National Forest surrounding Green Meadows. Using the outdoors as the classroom, teachers and Naturalists take student groups out for two hour class hikes focused on topics such as ecology, natural history, wilderness skills, and teambuilding. All of our classes are aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards and students are able to see the concepts they learn truly come to life. In addition, the outdoor school experience is full of social learning for students as they learn to work together with others and take on high levels of personal responsibility. Overall, outdoor school is an impacting experience for students. Often it is an experience they look forward to for years before their visit and one that they will fondly remember for years afterwards.​​​


Member profile details

Membership level
Organizational Member - Mid-sized
Organization (if applicable)
Green Meadows - Jack L. Boyd Outdoor School
Camp Green Meadows Outdoor School
PO Box 69
Fish Camp, CA 93623
Northern CA
Organization Name
Green Meadows - Jack L. Boyd Outdoor School
Organization Website
Organization Logo
Organization Description
Camp Green Meadows Outdoor School is operated through the Merced County Office of Education and runs 4 and 5 day residential programs for 6th grade students. During the week, students stay in cabins on site and spend their days out on trails in the Sierra National Forest surrounding Green Meadows. Using the outdoors as the classroom, teachers and Naturalists take student groups out for two hour class hikes focused on topics such as ecology, natural history, wilderness skills, and teambuilding. All of our classes are aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards and students are able to see the concepts they learn truly come to life. In addition, the outdoor school experience is full of social learning for students as they learn to work together with others and take on high levels of personal responsibility. Overall, outdoor school is an impacting experience for students. Often it is an experience they look forward to for years before their visit and one that they will fondly remember for years afterwards.​​​
Fish Camp


Mailing Address: 2930 Domingo Ave., Suite 3028Berkeley, CA 94705

AEOE is a 501(c)(3) non-profit 

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