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Association for Environmental & Outdoor education

AEOE strengthens environmental education in California by connecting providers, building professional expertise, and championing environmental literacy and outdoor learning.


Date: May 5-7, 2023

Location: YMCA Camp Jones Gulch, La Honda, CA 

Join us for a weekend of learning, networking, and fun in the redwoods! The conference will be held Friday evening through Sunday lunch and includes 50+ workshops, a keynote speaker, an awards ceremony, resource fair, EECP presentations, live and silent auction, evening entertainment, and more. Lodging and meals are offered onsite on Saturday and Sunday and both camping and cabin dorm accommodations are available for Friday and Saturday night. If this is your first time at an AEOE conference and you are not sure what to expect, click here for FAQs and additional information. 1 graduate unit is available to purchase from University of San Diego for those attending the full conference. 

Announcing the conference keynote: José G. González!

José G. González is the Founder of Latino Outdoors and Co-Founder of the Outdoorist Oath. He is a professional educator with training in the fields of education and conservation while engaging in different artistic endeavors with art and messaging—often exploring the intersection of the environment and culture. As a Partner in the Avarna Group and through his own consulting, his work focuses on Equity & Inclusion frameworks and practices in the environmental, outdoor, and conservation fields. He is also an illustrator and science communicator.

He received his B.A at the University of California, Davis, and his M.S at the University of Michigan School of Natural Resources & Environment. His teaching coursework was at the Bilingual, Multicultural, Education Department at Sacramento State.

He serves as a Trustee for the National Outdoor Leadership School, a Trustee for the National Recreation Foundation, and Outdoor Industry Association Board Director, among other such leadership volunteer roles.

You can connect with him on social media @JoseBilingue. Puns welcomed.

Land acknowledgement: Convening on Ramaytush Ohlone land

​​We acknowledge that our conference will take place on the unceded ancestral homeland of the Ramaytush Ohlone, who are the original inhabitants of the San Francisco Peninsula. As the Indigenous stewards of this land and in accordance with their traditions, the Ramaytush Ohlone have never ceded, lost, nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. As guests, we recognize that we benefit from learning on their traditional homeland. We wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors and relatives of the Ramaytush community and by affirming their sovereign rights as First Peoples. In preparation for the conference we have conferred with Ramaytush tribal leaders and made a donation in support of their work. Learn more and make a financial contribution yourself at

Conference theme: Educating for Change

Workshop Strands

  • Building Blocks for Change Lessons, activities, and teaching techniques to engage students in environmental literacy in the field and in the classroom
  • Educating for IDEAL ChangeHow to advance IDEAL (Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Liberation)* principles within all levels of the field
  • Educating for Climate ChangeRaising awareness and inspiring action for individual and community resilience in response to a changing climate
  • Leading for ChangeOpportunities and techniques for staff, peers, and/or students to develop leadership skills

*Note that equity and inclusion are expected to be incorporated into every workshop

Workshop slots are 60 minutes. Workshops are intended to increase the knowledge and skills of our conference participants and most are hands-on and interactive. 

Registration Fees

Join us for Saturday only, or stay the whole weekend! The full weekend registration includes meals and lodging and the cost is the same, whether you bring camping equipment or stay in shared dorm accommodations. We also have a registration level for locals or others who prefer to secure their own housing. Members and workshop presenters receive discounted rates, as well as staff of our organizational members (if you are the organizational member contact, click on membership benefits to access the discount code). 

Conference Scholarships

Conference scholarships are available through Joie's Daisies Scholarship Fund, named after beloved outdoor educator Joie Armstrong. Joie was a bright light to all who knew her. In her words: "My passion lies with teaching children about their environment, and I have dedicated all of my efforts toward it." In honor of her legacy, AEOE is offering a number of scholarships to support the attendance of environmental and outdoor educators who need financial assistance.

  • Ten $100 scholarships are available for individuals whose organizations/employers will NOT be contributing to their registration fee.
  • Ten $50 scholarships are available for individuals whose organizations/employers WILL be contributing to their registration fee.

This year, through the support of the California Coastal Commission's Whale Tail Grant Program, we also have a dedicated pool of scholarships for participants in the Environmental Educator Certification Program. If you are in the program, please note that in the scholarship application. 

A minimum of 50% of scholarships will be offered to individuals who identify as members of communities that have historically been marginalized within the field of environmental education, specifically Black, Indigenous, or People of Color (BIPOC) and/or LGBTQIA+.

These scholarships are to be applied towards full registration at AEOE's Statewide Conference (note that you cannot register with a presenter discount in addition to receiving a scholarship; only one discount can be applied at registration).  

The scholarship application is now closed. 

Volunteering Opportunities

Interested in directing your talents and skills towards helping us to put on a successful conference? Consider being a volunteer! We need support in a number of areas:

  • Break-out session leaders (4) – One lead for each group: formal educators (filled), early childhood educators (filled), program leaders (filled), novice outdoor educators (filled), and experienced outdoor educators (filled). 
  • On-site support (multiple): We will also need assistance with arrival/welcome wagon, registration, parking, and clean-up. While these roles don't come with a registration discount, they are a great way to connect with other participants and get involved in a meaningful way. 

Please contact our volunteer coordinator, Mike Shanahan at, if you are interested in volunteering. And thank you to community members Emelie Traub, Robb Stolberg, and Mike Shanahan for serving on our Conferences Committee, helping us to make this a great event!

Conference Auction

Contribute to our live and silent auctions at the spring statewide conference! All proceeds benefit AEOE, which allows us to offer conference scholarships through Joie's Daisies Scholarship Fund, named after beloved outdoor educator Joie Armstrong. Joie was a bright light to all who knew her. We are calling on our community to reach out to their contacts for in-kind donations for our live and silent auction. Click here to share your in-kind donation

Thanks to our conference sponsors!

Title sponsor:


The LaVigne + Gupta Clan

Interested in sponsoring this event and bringing your resources to our community? Click here for our sponsor packet and contact AEOE's Executive Director Estrella Risinger at to learn more. 


Mailing Address: 2930 Domingo Ave., Suite 3028Berkeley, CA 94705

AEOE is a 501(c)(3) non-profit 

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