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Association for Environmental & Outdoor education

AEOE strengthens environmental education in California by connecting providers, building professional expertise, and championing environmental literacy and outdoor learning.

EECP 2020-2021 Enrollment

  • August 26, 2020
  • September 05, 2020


  • EECP fee at contributor rate (this level helps support scholarships for other participants)
  • EECP fee at contributor rate (this level helps support scholarships for other participants) and includes a %50 scholarship awarded by AEOE.
  • EECP fee at standard rate
  • EECP fee at standard rate, and includes a 50% scholarship awarded by AEOE.
  • EECP fee at scholarship rate
  • EECP fee at scholarship rate, and includes a 50% scholarship awarded by AEOE.

2020 Environmental Educator Certification Program

Environmental Educator Certification Program (EECP)

The Environmental Educator Certification Program (EECP) draws together stewards and educators of the environment into a structured and effective initiative. Certification is a public declaration that a certain individual meets a stringent level of requirements and has a specific set of skills. We believe this program will be of great benefit to practitioners and organizations alike, extending to individuals, the public, and the profession itself. Having the EECP enhances the legitimacy of the field by building a uniform foundation in effectively teaching about the environment in California. 

Through participating in the certification program, you will increase your knowledge and skills, expand your professional network, enhance your resume, and make important connections across the state.  

Participants may only enroll in EECP if they have been accepted into the program and have paid the $25 application fee. If this applies to you, check you inbox, as you will need the code in order to enroll. 


Mailing Address: 2930 Domingo Ave., Suite 3028Berkeley, CA 94705

AEOE is a 501(c)(3) non-profit 

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