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Association for Environmental & Outdoor education

AEOE strengthens environmental education in California by connecting providers, building professional expertise, and championing environmental literacy and outdoor learning.

Statewide Conference 2023 - Full weekend w/out lodging

  • May 05, 2023
  • 6:00 PM
  • May 07, 2023
  • 1:00 PM
  • YMCA Camp Jones Gulch, La Honda


  • This early-bird registration includes all workshops, speakers, and entertainment; and 5 meals (B/L/D on Saturday, and B/L on Sunday). Note: lodging is not included with this registration.
  • This early-bird registration includes all workshops, speakers, and entertainment; and 5 meals (B/L/D on Saturday, and B/L on Sunday). Note: lodging is not included with this registration.
  • This early-bird registration includes all workshops, speakers, and entertainment; and 5 meals (B/L/D on Saturday, and B/L on Sunday). Note: lodging is not included with this registration.
  • This early-bird registration includes all workshops, speakers, and entertainment; and 5 meals (B/L/D on Saturday, and B/L on Sunday). Note: lodging is not included with this registration.
  • This early-bird registration includes all workshops, speakers, and entertainment; and 5 meals (B/L/D on Saturday, and B/L on Sunday). Note: lodging is not included with this registration.
  • This early-bird registration includes all workshops, speakers, and entertainment; and 5 meals (B/L/D on Saturday, and B/L on Sunday). Note: lodging is not included with this registration.
  • This early-bird registration includes all workshops, speakers, and entertainment; and 5 meals (B/L/D on Saturday, and B/L on Sunday). Note: lodging is not included with this registration. This registration is for staff of organizational members. You must have a discount code to register.
  • This registration is for meals (B/L/D Saturday and B/L Sunday) and access to the site for a nonparticipating adult (e.g. spouse or partner). It does NOT include workshops or speakers.
  • This registration is for meals (B/L/D Saturday and B/L Sunday) and access to the site for youth (3-18 yr). This registration does not include lodging. Note that kids 2 and under are free, but we kindly ask that you let us know in advance. Youth must be under supervision of a parent or guardian at all times. Please contact if you plan to bring a child under 2.
  • This registration includes all workshops, speakers, and entertainment; and 5 meals (B/L/D on Saturday, and B/L on Sunday). Note: lodging is not included with this registration.
  • This registration includes all workshops, speakers, and entertainment; and 5 meals (B/L/D on Saturday, and B/L on Sunday). Note: lodging is not included with this registration. If you are a member, login for special member pricing.
  • This regular registration includes all workshops, speakers, and entertainment; and 5 meals (B/L/D on Saturday, and B/L on Sunday). Note: lodging is not included with this registration.This registration is for staff of organizational members. You must have a discount code to register.
  • This registration is for meals for the weekend (B/L/D/ on Saturday and B/L on Sunday) and access to the site for youth (3-18 yr). Lodging is not included. Youth must be under supervision of a parent or guardian at all times. Note that kids 2 and under are free, but we kindly ask that you let us know in advance. Please contact if you plan to bring a child under 2.
  • This registration is for meals (B/L/D Saturday and B/S Sunday) and access to the site for a nonparticipating adult (e.g. spouse or partner). It does NOT include workshops or speakers.
  • This registration includes all workshops, speakers, and entertainment; and 5 meals (B/L/D on Saturday, and B/L on Sunday). Lodging is not included.
  • This registration includes all workshops, speakers, and entertainment; access to the site; and 5 meals (B/L/D on Saturday, and B/L on Sunday). This does not include lodging. If you are a member, login for special member pricing.
  • This regular registration includes all workshops, speakers, and entertainment; access to the site; and 5 meals (B/L/D on Saturday, and B/L on Sunday). This does not include lodging. This registration is for staff of organizational members. You must have a discount code to register.
  • This registration is for meals (B/L/D Saturday and B/S Sunday) and access to the site for a nonparticipating adult (e.g. spouse or partner). It does NOT include workshops or speakers or lodging.
  • This registration is for meals (B/L/D Saturday and B/L Sunday) and access to the site for the weekend for youth (3-18 yr). Lodging is not included. Youth must be under supervision of a parent or guardian at all times. Note that kids 2 and under are free, but we kindly ask that you let us know in advance. Please contact if you plan to bring a child under 2.
  • This registration is for workshop presenters who are AEOE members and includes workshops, speakers, and entertainment; access to the site; and 5 meals (B/L/D on Saturday, and B/L on Sunday). This does not include lodging. You must have the discount code to register as a presenter.
  • This registration is for workshop presenters who are not AEOE members and includes all workshops, speakers, and entertainment; access to the site; and 5 meals (B/L/D on Saturday, and B/L on Sunday). This does not include lodging. You must have the discount code to register as a presenter.
  • This registration is for workshop presenters who are staff of AEOE organizational members and includes workshops, speakers, and entertainment; access to the site; and 5 meals (B/L/D on Saturday, and B/L on Sunday). This does not include lodging. You must have the discount code to register as a presenter.

Registration is closed

The Statewide Conference for Environmental & Outdoor Education is our signature event, bringing together several hundred environmental and outdoor professionals for a weekend of learning, community-building, and fun. The event features 30+ workshops, silent auction, evening entertainment, keynote speakers, an awards ceremony, and more. Click here for more information

Full weekend registration without lodging includes all the activities listed above as well five meals (B/L/D on Saturday and B/L on Sunday). We assume that you are either live locally or elect to secure your own lodging elsewhere.

Note that we are monitoring COVID protocols closely and may need to make adjustments as the pandemic continues to evolve. Proof of negative test within 48 hours may be required to attend. Masking while indoors is strongly encouraged. 


Mailing Address: 2930 Domingo Ave., Suite 3028Berkeley, CA 94705

AEOE is a 501(c)(3) non-profit 

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