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Association for Environmental & Outdoor education

AEOE strengthens environmental education in California by connecting providers, building professional expertise, and championing environmental literacy and outdoor learning.

Fall 2022 Regional Meet-ups

Save the date! Sunday, November 6th, 2022 | 1-5pm

Overview: Join environmental and outdoor education professionals from across your region to explore a local site, meet colleagues working in a variety of settings, and deepen your practice through shared learning. The event will include a tour of the site, networking activities, open space discussions, and our annual fall awards ceremony celebrating the northern and southern environmental educators of the year (the ceremony will be held online, with participants joining from across the state).


Meet-ups are offered in multiple locations! If you don't see your region listed and would like to host a meet-up, contact AEOE's Executive Director Estrella Risinger at

Sierra Foothills: Shady Creek Outdoor School

Located in Nevada City, Shady Creek Outdoor School is an environmental science school that offers residential and day programs and is owned and operated by the Sutter County Superintendent of Schools Office. 

SF Bay Area: Point Bonita YMCA

The Point Bonita YMCA is an outdoor education, conference, and retreat center located in the Marin Headlands in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. As a branch of the YMCA of San Francisco, their education team partners with schools and other YMCA programming throughout San Francisco, Marin, and San Mateo counties to provide enrichment programming in environmental education and climate justice.

Central Coast: Central Coast Science Project at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo's Learn By Doing Lab

The Central Coast Science Project (CCSP), operating out of the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, is one of several California Science Projects funded by the University of California Office of the President. The CCSP offers rigorous professional development workshops each summer (and often during the academic year) to practicing K-12 teachers from the Central Coast and beyond. Meet-up participants will spend time in the Learn By Doing Lab and the Leaning Pine Arboretum. 

Los Angeles: Friends of Ballona Wetlands

Friends of Ballona Wetlands is an environmental non-profit championing the restoration and protection of Los Angeles' last coastal wetland and educating our diverse community as stewards of nature. Running much of its programming out of Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve, school field trips to volunteer restoration events brings the community together to learn and grow. Meet-up participants will explore the hidden gem of Ballona Wetlands and the programs occurring in the midst of urban Los Angeles.

Inland Empire: LandUse Learning Center

The LandUse Learning Center (LLC) in Riverside is a demonstration garden depicting sustainable practices in local land use; native habitats, urban areas and agriculture. Offered in partnership with the Riverside-Corona Resource Conservation District, National Association for Interpretation Western Region, and the Environmental Education Collaborative. Click here to access a flyer for the event. Help us spread the word by passing this along to your colleagues!

San Diego County: Living Coast Discovery Center

The Living Coast Discovery Center is an environmental education center in Chula Vista with marine animal, animal, and bird exhibits located in the Sweetwater Marsh Unit of the San Diego National Wildlife Refuge.



Mailing Address: 2930 Domingo Ave., Suite 3028Berkeley, CA 94705

AEOE is a 501(c)(3) non-profit 

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