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Association for Environmental & Outdoor education

AEOE strengthens environmental education in California by connecting providers, building professional expertise, and championing environmental literacy and outdoor learning.

Bringing Outdoor Education to the Masses: An EECP Capstone Project

January 27, 2025 12:07 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Bringing Outdoor Education to the Masses
An EECP Capstone Project

By Diana Rohini LaVigne

A couple of decades ago, I made a significant shift in how I spent my time. While I had my professional life as a communications executive, my volunteer work in outdoor education was growing fast. After becoming a California Naturalist at UC Berkeley’s inauguration program, I dipped my toe more into the world of outdoor education. I found my space in the age zero to 6th-grade space with outdoor education. 

In 2021, I discovered AEOE. I loved their mission, their space, and the work they were doing in California. I signed up for their EECP training and got certified, joined their board, and now, AEOE and I are connected for life. In addition to sitting on their board, I chair their communication committee, which is a perfect weave between my 30+ years of experience in communications with my deep love of outdoor education and youth. 

For my capstone project, I saw an opportunity to bring understanding to the general public what outdoor education is and looks like and why we should all care about it. A discussion about the basics of Environmental Education: What is it? Why is it important? And how can one get involved or learn more?

Bringing together top leaders Estrella Risinger, Executive Director of the Association for Environmental & Outdoor Education, Laura Rodriguez, Former Chief Program Officer of Justice Outside, and Sheila Williams Ridge, Co-Director, of Child Development Laboratory School, University of Minnesota was essential to get different perspectives and voices into the conversation.

The video was sponsored by Children & Nature Network and produced by Steffen Kaplan, Spin It Social, LLC. As a journalist for decades, I moderated the discussion, which packed in so much within the 35-minute video. I hope you enjoy the video, which provides viewers with insight into the world of environmental and outdoor education. Please share this to help create a movement and let everyone know why getting involved is essential.

About the Author

With 25+ years of journalism/communications experience, Diana Rohini was the Chief Communications Officer for the health department, served as ED for several non-profit organizations, and held corporate leadership positions. With a BA from Harvard University (Psychology) and MA from Hebrew University (Theology), she has written 500+ articles. She's received several awards for her work, including the Distinguished Service Award by the California Legislature Assembly, Certificate of Recognition by the California State Senate, and Event Chair of the Year Award. Additionally, she was the co-host for a top Boston arts cable show and host of a Bay Area cable show on bikes. She lived in the Middle East (Israel) and Africa (Zaire) and traveled extensively in Antarctica, Australia, Asia, and Europe. She has been a speaker and emcee for hundreds of events. In her spare time, she is the chapter chair of the South Asian Journalists Association Bay Area, California Naturalist Planning Committee, and leads efforts to get youth and BIPOC families into nature. Diana Rohini joined AEOE's board in 2022.


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