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Association for Environmental & Outdoor education

AEOE strengthens environmental education in California by connecting providers, building professional expertise, and championing environmental literacy and outdoor learning.

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Vida Verde Assistant Farmer: Educational Equity in the Outdoors!

  • October 11, 2023 4:31 PM
    Message # 13266199


    Vida Verde has a long history of achieving remarkable results through high-quality programs delivered free of charge for 4th-6th grade students, along with a summer leadership camp for teens, and family weekend hikes.. Students interact in the outdoors with their peers and teachers, and they engage in activities meant to nurture positive interpersonal connections, instill a sense of belonging and connection to the natural world, and offer exposure to new and exciting environments and ideas. We are a small, tightly-knit, and exciting organization. Our jobs are the BEST, and so are the people who work here!

    With equity as a cornerstone of Vida Verde’s mission, our entire staff intentionally and actively engages in Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) work. We understand and agree that this work is critical in helping young people access high-quality, culturally relevant and inclusive nature education experiences; experiences that will translate into positive outcomes in their traditional classrooms.

    Position Overview: 

    This is a 40 hour/week, full-time, non-exempt position, year round, reporting to the Facilities Team Manager. Generally, the Assistant Farmer (AF) is responsible for managing the ¼ acre garden, the flock of chickens, and the herd of goats (plus llama). The AF will also play an important role assisting the FTM with maintaining & improving our three local sites, including the structures, landscaping, infrastructure, and vehicles for safety, function & appearance. In collaboration with the FTM, the AF plans and executes garden, orchard, animal, and other operations as needed with the aim of providing a functional space for program, staff, and community to engage with growing food and the farm environment. See “Responsibilities” section for more detail on specific assignments. 


    Pay: $22/hr
    A position that provides excellent experience and training in skills that will prepare you for future jobs
    Perks: do mission driven work that you believe in, be in this location between the redwoods and the ocean, between SF and Santa Cruz, join our community, work outside
    Housing: Housing for this position is available to rent at the Yurt at Hidden Creek, but living on site is not required for this position. 



    1 file


Mailing Address: 2930 Domingo Ave., Suite 3028Berkeley, CA 94705

AEOE is a 501(c)(3) non-profit 

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